If your income is below the eligible maximum, legal aid can pay for your fees for a Montreal lawyer. Legal Aid Lawyers can answer your questions.
According to the Legal Services Commission, you can receive free legal aid if you meet the following criteria:
Your annual income – including all forms of income: social security benefits, salary, tips…
Your family situation – spouse, dependent children
Your liquidities– savings, investments…
The value of your assets – house, RRSPs etc.
The legal aid eligibility criteria are:
Gross annual income (2019):
Single person $ 22 750
Adult + 1 child $ 27 834
Adult + 2 or more children $ 29 714
Spouse $ 31 661
Spouse + 1 child $ 35 424
Spouse + 2 or more children $ 37 306
If you wish to determine if you are eligible to legal aid, you can only find out at the legal aid office nearest you.
There is also legal aid with a contribution, that is with the financial contribution of the beneficiary.
Contact a legal aid lawyer. As soon as you speak to a lawyer, please mention it is a legal aid case in order to be transferred to the right lawyer.